3rd Bass

3rd Bass' Derelicts of Dialect Album Anniversary

3rd Bass' Derelicts of Dialect Album Anniversary

3rd Bass's 1991 follow-up, Derelicts of Dialect, had a new target in fellow white rapper Vanilla Ice, who was the focal point of several tracks on the album, most notably "Pop Goes the Weasel".

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3rd Bass' The Cactus Album Anniversary

3rd Bass' The Cactus Album Anniversary

The two first performed as '3 the Hard Way', a name referenced in the song "Wordz of Wisdom" but later redubbed themselves '3rd Bass' before recording their first album. Sever, Prince Paul, and the Bomb Squad produced their 1989 debut, The Cactus Album, a critically acclaimed LP that went gold and contained a minor hit in "The Gas Face."

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